Your Host

Yes, it’s me you’re looking for!

Yeah, that sketchy-looking guy is me, your host of Sheahanisms, Michael Sheahan. I converted my Sheahanisms blog to a podcast, and here I am. Thanks to the wizardry of Apple Music, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon, Stitcher, Iheart Radio, and a host of other platforms, I can reach a wider audience. Sheahanisms is sometimes humorous and oftentimes a crisp look at the world around us and the human behavior associated with why some people do what they do and is available wherever you enjoy your favorite podcasts, so be sure to search for Sheahanisms and click the follow button so you know when the latest episode drops or you can click on the link at the top of the website labeled “Sheahanisms Episode” to access every episode.

The podcast is recorded in an undisclosed location in the desert southwest and is run by a tight-knit group of characters which includes me and a production team consisting of two cats.

The black and white cat, Mickey, sleeps during the show, and the Calico, Lucky, stares at me for most of the show. They both sleep on my desk most of the time and really don’t care about producing the podcast, but they are part of the team and, if asked, would more than likely take full credit for the end product. So if you don’t like an episode, send them an Email—good luck with that.

So What’s This All About Anyway?

Sheahanisms is a podcast created to express my interests in a variety of things that you may or may not find interesting, but they are my things. It’s my stuff, my thoughts, and my observations from an interesting and eclectic life that spans over 65 years.

I don’t read from a script or rehearse the shows. I turn on the microphone and talk, just like we would if we were sitting in the living room having a conversation because that’s what Sheahanisms are, conversations. What you get are my raw, unedited, sometimes unfiltered thoughts. Oh, I have a filter, but sometimes it gets clogged and overflows, and sometimes it happens in the middle of a show.

I’m not going to talk about politics, or at least politics in the true sense of the word. I don’t care who you voted for or what you think about a particular political party. It’s ok for someone to believe what they believe, but it’s not ok for anyone to demand others believe the same way; we will probably talk about that. Like I said, I’m not here to change your minds; I am here to talk about things that make you think, things you never thought you would ever think about.

If you think the earth is flat or we never set foot on the moon, that’s ok; I am fine with that. What interests me, though, is why people get angry and want to scream and yell because someone else doesn’t agree with them, thinking that just might change their minds. What interests me, and I think it interests a lot of other people, is why people do what they do.

I like to ask “why.” I have always had a deep-seated interest in human behavior and why people do what they do when they do it, like behavioral science. I’m not here to explain it, but we’re going to talk about it, and that’s what Sheahanisms are, things you never thought you would ever think about, but if you stick around, you will.

It’s about thought and not an attempt to get you to think the way I do; God knows you don’t even want to go there! It’s perspective—another angle to look at things, and maybe end up in a place you might have been headed anyway.

So pull up a chair, grab the Cheetos and your favorite beverage, and ride along while we navigate the complexities of human existence. You may not like every single episode, but that’s ok too. If nothing else, it will give you a little break from doing a chore you absolutely hate! You’re welcome.

If you wish to contact me, go to the “LINKS AND THINGS” tab or the form in the sidebar and fill out the contact form. I respond back to all of my e-mails when I can.